Join My Mission To Optimize 1 Million Lives And Learn How To Maximize Your Productivity, Achieve Lasting Behavior Change, And Create A Meaningful Life.

Hi, I'm Tobias,

Nice to meet you!

Who I am

I'm a consultant, performance coach, business school graduate, and online educator.And I'm obsessed with life optimization...So I made it my mission to optimize 1 million lives.My Newsletter and Social Media show the "How to".Beyond that, I'm a multi-passionate and could talk for hours about martial arts, calisthenics, entrepreneurship, the global economy, cars, psychology, and much more...

What I do

  • Helping entrepreneurs, content creators, and knowledge workers to get more done in less time, prevent burnout, and enjoy their work. (learn more)

  • Helping entrepreneurs, personal brands, and content creators grow their social media following, create an effective business strategy, and monetize their audience. (learn more)

  • Share everything I learn and mastered along my way on social media and my blog

The Optimization Letter

Unlock peak performance, 3-5x your income potential & prevent burnout.
With actionable deep-dive emails delivered straight to your inbox.

Every new subscriber will get my free email course "The Principles of Mental Performance Optimization"


Join My Mission To Optimize 1 Million Lives And Learn How To Maximize Your Productivity, Achieve Lasting Behavior Change, And Create A Meaningful Life.

Let's stay in touch!